Where's the Were?

I've been collecting folklore on werecreatures from different countries and continents, from Ancient Greece up to the present time. If I've missed any that you know of (and I'm sure I have), let me know!

Argentina   Like other South American countries, the werebeasts here are usually werejaguars, known as runa-uturungu, yaguareté-abá and other names depending on the region. The fox-like werewolf here was brought by European settlers and is called lobizón or lobisón. It eats excrement, carrion and sometimes non-baptised babies.1

Brazil   The feared beast here is the werejaguar, and a woman with "supernumary nipples" may find herself to be accused of being this creature. Brazil is also host to the Boto, which according to Tupu legends, transforms from a river dolphin into a handsome boy. There is also the Uirapuru: a small brown bird who lives in the Amazon Basin and can also transform into a beautiful boy.2

Brittany (France)   The bisclavret is a werewolf that cannot return to human form unless it can put its clothing back on.

Bulgaria   The Bulgarians call their lycanthrope a vrkolak.

Canada   The shapeshifter here is the wendigo, also called the witiko.

Chili   The chonchon is a shapeshifter that changes from a witch into a vulture.

Ethiopia, Morocco and Tanzania   The boudas is a sorcerer/blacksmith that can change into a werehyena. It often wears an ornament from its human form, by which it can be recognized.

France   Loup-garou is prevalent in France, with the Beast of Gevaudan being the most famous documented case.

Greece   The vrykolaka seems to be a catchall term for a vampire, werewolf, or sorcerer. The word lycanthropy, from the ancient werewolf-king Lycaeon, originated here.

Haiti   The loup-garou can change into anything it wishes, plant or animal.

Iceland   A hamrammr (from old Icelandic literature) is a werecreature that shifts into the form of the animal it has most recently eaten. Its strength increases with each animal that it consumes. The current (and more correct) word for werewolf is varulfur.

India   The rakshasa or raghosh is a huge creature that can shift into any type of animal that it wants. It is characterized by its large size and its red or blonde hair.

Indonesia (Bali)   The layak is a spirit that shapeshifts into people, animals, or objects and causes mishaps, illnesses and even death.3

Ireland and Scotland   The selkies are seals that take off their skins to become human. Dark-haired Celts may have their geneology explained via the selkies. Selkies are helpful creatures who watch over fishermen.4

Italy   The lupo mannaro or licantropo is an Italian werewolf.5 The "Benandanti" were werewolves that left their physical bodies behind to become wolves, at which point they would go to the underworld to fight witches.

Japan   The most popular werecreatures in Japanese folklore is the kitsune (fox) and the tanuki or mijina (raccoon dog or badger). The kitsune is usually a female, and the tanuki, a male. Collectively, shapeshifters are called henge.

Kenya, Africa   The ilimu is a man-eating shapeshifter that starts out as an animal, but can shift into the form of a man.

Latvia   The vilkacis, meaning "wolf eyes" or "werewolf," is a shapeshifter that is usually evil, but occasionally offers treasures.

Lithuania   The vilkatas is the Lithuanian version of the werewolf.

Mexico   This country has the Nahual, a werecreature which can turn into a wolf, large cat or even an eagle or bull.

Normandy, France   The lubins or lupins look like wolves, but can speak human languages. They are very shy.

Norway and Sweden   The eigi einhamir or "not of one skin" has the ability to change into a wolf by wearing a wolfskin.

Panama   Tula Vieja has been and continues to be sighted in Panama on a regular basis. The creature takes the form of a very, very old woman or witch (bruja) with a crow's foot for a right hand. This child-eating shifter haunts all places dark and dismal, waiting to take anyone back to Hell with her that she can get her claw/hand on.6

Persia   The Persians have a creature similar to the Indian rakshasa that pretends to be a harmless animal. It often attacks travelers.

Philippines   The aswang is a vampire-werewolf who transforms from a human to a canine form at night, and eats human flesh. The aswang also manifests itself as a decaying corpse that has been severed at the waist (in other words...it has nothing from the waist down)... with batwings. They are very closely related to the Berbalang ghouls of legend.7

Portugal   The bruxsa or cucubuth is a type of vampire-werewolf, consuming both flesh and blood. The term for the plain, everyday werewolf is lobh omen.

Romania   Bitang: a werewolf-like creature. These are mythologized as seventh sons born out of wedlock.8

Russia   The wawkalak is a werewolf who has been transformed as a punishment of the Devil. Not considered frightening by friends and neighbors. Oborotnyk or Oboroten' (Changing One) is the Russian word for all werecreatures.9

Russia, Central   The bodark is a Russian name for the werewolf. May be the same creature as the more vampire-like vurdalak.10

Scandinavia   The varulf much prefers beer to human flesh. Scandinavia is also home to the berserker (bearskin). There is also the ulfheobar (wolfskin), which is usually lumped in with berserker.

Serbia   The Vukodlak is a man inprisioned in wolf shape.11 Lore in this region also calls the creature a wurdalak and claims that it is a werewolf that died and became a vampire.

Slovakia   The vlkodlak is transformed into a werewolf by the sorcery of another. It usually shies away from people.

South America   The kanima is a jaguar-shaped spirit that seeks to kill murderers.

Spain   The Spanish werewolf, or lob hombre, prefers pretty gemstones to human flesh.

Ukraine   Vovkulak is Ukrainian for werewolf (likely the same creature as the Russian wawkalak).12

United States   This country has a motley assortment of werecreatures, such as the Navajo Indians' skinwalkers, the Mai-Coh.13 Mohawk Indians have the limikkin; Native Americans have many different types of "skin walkers." My favorite shapeshifter, the wererat, comes from the US. It is particularly rampant around Pennsylvania. The wererat skulks around at night, and prefers carrots with ranch dressing to human flesh.

1Information on all the Argentinean werecreatures was provided by Gabriela "Morti" Ruellan, who popped into the Lair from Argentina looking for fonts.
2Information on the Boto and Uirapuru was provided to me by Mariana Albuquerque, who happens to reside in Brazil.
3Information on the layak was provided by rat-lover Tristen, as told to her by a friend from Bali.
4Information on the Selkie was provided by Aidan Grey, who came to the Lair for the fonts.
5Information on the Italian names for the werewolf were provided by Odhinn, who wrote from Italy.
6, 7Information on the Aswang and Tula Vieja was provided by Tony Fernandez, who is a well-traveled ex-"military brat."
8, 9, 10, 12Information on the Oborotnyk, Vurdalak, Vovkulak, and Bitang was provided by Daniel McMinn, who was actually looking for information on superior rodent intelligence.
11Information on the Vukodlak (and some good info about vampires not listed here!) was provided by Uros Pavlovic, near the source of the creatures in Serbia.
13Information on the Mai-coh was provided by Brok, who visited the Lair searching for wolves.