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I confess, I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons for over 20 years and have enjoyed the "old" system, but the overhaul on to 3rd edition was obviously a labor of love, and certainly well play-tested before going to print. And, with the Open Gaming License, many smaller companies can now produce wonderfully detailed worlds that are compatible with the D20 system, meaning you only need to learn one set of rules!

Dungeon and Dragons Player's Handbook Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Player's Handbook
by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, and Skip Williams

Hardcover, 304 pages
Published by Wizards of the Coast (TSR)
Publication date: August 2000

Dungeons and Dragons Third Edition Dungeon Master's Guide
by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, and Skip Williams

Hardcover, 224 pages
Published by Wizards of the Coast (TSR)
Publication date: September 2000

Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide
Dungons and Dragons Monster Manual Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Monster Manual
by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, and Skip Williams

Hardcover, 224 pages
Published by Wizards of the Coast (TSR)
Publication date: October 2000