About the Wererat

The Wererat
I live in Pennsylvania with my husband Hugh, who I met in college (where we both received very nice degrees that we've never really used). We are both roleplayers, enjoying sci-fi, fantasy, and horror games. We don't have any human children, but enjoy the company of our wonderful rats. As you've probably figured out, my hobbies include writing rpg fiction and designing entire web sites.

About This Button

On July 30, 1997 a rattie who was traumatized and beaten by a pet store worker inspired me to make the following little picture:

Rattie Rights Now!

Please feel free to take a copy, and use it to link to your favorite rat-friendly pages on the web. (BTW, the little rat Eadie was rescued by a rat lover, and given a comfortable home.)

About the Lair and wererat.net

Need a fast, reliable host for your web site?

Dreamhost:  tell them wererat sent you

Don't forget to tell them wererat sent you. Plans start at $9.95 a month.

I've spent a lot of time making the graphics on this site; please do not steal any of them (other than the "Rattie Rights Now!" or these logos). Additional information can be found in my Copyright Notice.

Things around the Lair look best at 800 x 600 resolution or better and High Color on a browser with CSS-capability and JavaScript turned on (don't worry, there aren't any ads!). Coding is HTML 4.0 Transitional and XHTML 1.0 Transitional. I use Internet Explorer 6, Opera 4, Mozilla, and Netscape 6 with a Crescendo plugin. I've tried to make sure this site works using other browsers/WebTV, color settings, resolutions, etc. The Lair is happily hosted by DreamHost.